Throughout history the visionary artist has expressed the essence of the human experience. Early human paintings found on cave walls depicted man’s strife, struggle and survival, told and passed on the story. Our forms of artistic expression evolved with us. Thanks to technology we have the ability to capture these artistic expressions and share them with others.
Each artist tells his or her own unique story reflecting his or her culture and life experience. If we read the writings of Homer, Woolf, Shakespeare, study the paintings of Raphael, Da Vinci, and Picasso or observe the sculptures of Donatello, Michelangelo, or Rodin we are exposed to the creative essence of those artists.
For centuries, the power of the written word has proved to be something incontrovertibly sublime. The written word has saved lives, circulated powerful ideas, preserved traditions and memories, and so much more.
101 Artistic Toastmasters showcases the multi-cultural, multi-diverse and multi-dimensional individuals who each joined the global Toastmasters International family.
This compilation is intended to assist you to recognise and release your inner artist and to ignite the human spirit within, to express and share your true essence with the world. Join us to discover the artists behind the Toastmaster name badge. We hope you enjoy 101 Artistic Toastmasters.
101 Artistic Toastmasters will be available at the 2014 Toastmasters International Convention in KL at a 25% discount. ’101 Artistic Toastmasters’ comprises 500 full colour pages [incl. cover], 400 colour photographs, weighs just under 1.5Kg [3.3 pounds], and measures 21cm square. Inside pages are 118 gsm gloss paper and the covers 300 gsm gloss paper making this a true high quality, coffee table publication.
Hello and thank you.
Just small adjustments to the info provided.
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Once again -“Thank you”
This book is a great read – I ought to know – as I was one of the major `proof readers.`
Each story is a fascinating tale and certainly helps us realise in a quite refreshing way how Toastmasters helps us all grow and develop in the whole of our lives.
Really lovely to meet so many Toastmasters from 60 different countries and to learn something of their cultures and lifestyles.
Quite a range of `art forms`are highlighted with people of different ages sharing their hobbies and passions.
Fabulous photos make this inspiring book a truly memorable Inter Cultural keepsake.
What a journey! Hard to determine if the enjoyment was more the author’s or mine as the publishing consultant. In over 13 years in the publishing industry, never have I worked on a book with such a global appeal, involving over 100 contributors and managed by such a unique individual as Armando Cristofori.
The pride both myself and the publishing team have in ‘101 Artistic Toastmasters’ is immense and we have reflected this by becoming members of the Toastmasters community joining the InterCultural Toastmasters Club in Gold Coast, Australia.
If this is the direction a Toastmaster takes to build global communication opportunities, InHouse Publishing takes pleasure in endorsing ‘101 Artistic Toastmasters’ as a ground-breaking publication for the masses. Congratulations to Armando, all involved and most importantly, the 101 Artists who have exposed their arts to the world in a high quality and enjoyable publication.
I had the privilege of being with Armando at the conception (not his, the books). We were at a coffee shop when he first mentioned his idea for this book. Back then it was only going to be 80 artists. As Armando described his vision I became quite curious. I was equally excited and touched when he asked me to be one of the artists in the book.
It was not an easy road for him to bring this project to fruition. There were many road blocks and challenges that he faced but he is persistent and the tougher things got the stronger and more determined he became.
What I saw and what he shared with me was that this project was not about Armando but the Artists and not just about the individual artists but their Culture, their History, their Humanness. It is about the thread that connects everyone of us on this planet. The desire to express our natural born talents and share the essence of our Human Spirit with our human family.
Armando, I’d say mission accomplished. Well Done.
May you continue to unite the world through your book, your future writing and your adventures.
It was a joy and an honor to be one of the artists and to assist and participate with this project.
I can’t wait to see what the next project is.
It is wonderful to learn about fellow Toastmasters’s successes. Big thank you to Andy for creating this projects to introduce us to inspirational, beautiful and creative people behind ‘Toastmasters’ name.
Maybe we can see your next book “101 Diverse Toastmasters”?
That will wonderfully match our vision at InterCultural Toastmasters, Gold Coast to bring together people from all walks of life.
Thanks again, Andy, for your great effort and noble vision.