Phillip Bate DTM at the G20 in Brisbane.

Phillip Bate DTM at the G20 in Brisbane.


The G20 Summit provided Chelmer Speakers President Phillip Bate DTM who is a journalist in his other life outside of Toastmasters, with a wonderful opportunity to watch some of the world’s best communicators and/or politicians ‘strut their stuff’. Phillip was in the thick of it in the media room.

Phillip told the Corroboree Editor that “As a Media volunteer I also had the privilege to mingle with other volunteers including many impressive Gen Y ‘up and coming’ graduates and under-graduates in the arts/law field.”

 Phillip was impressed by how energetic, confident and outgoing they were. He said, “Why can’t they be like we were: inarticulate and imperfect in every way. Oh what’s the matter with kids today?”