VPE Training with Marilyn

Member Information

Coolum Compendium: role ideas and role responsibilities. It’s in Word so clubs can edit and personalize for their own club. Great for newer members – they can look up their role and familiarize themselves.

Name Plates – helps new members and guests learn members names. It’s in ppt so that text can be rotated.  Has Core Values and Mission on one side, name space on the other.

Links to Speaking Skill brochures: these are from TI – they used to be sent to all new members.

Your Speaking Voice          https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/your-speaking-voice

Your Body Speaks              https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/gestures-your-body-speaks

Effective Evaluation           https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/effective-evaluation

VPE meeting planning

Generic agenda template in excel – it they understand formulas these can be added for ease of timing.

Forward Planner in excel – it allows you to keep a whole year on one sheet

Three Creative Session Ideas – focus is on having some fun.

Succession planning

Exec roles and equivalent in business world – this is something I created some years ago to show the relevance of the club officer roles outside of Toastmasters.

For Educational Sessions:

Link to Better Speaker Series      https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/the-better-speaker-series-set  – this covers structuring and presenting a speech from start to finish. Great material for creating an educational.

Link to Successful Club                 https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/the-successful-club-series-set – this covers various educational aspects around running a successful club. Good educational material.