Report of the Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Christine Lennon DTM

To make our clubs strong we need to focus on our members.  That’s why this year my focus will be on assisting our Clubs to become strong Clubs.  A strong Club is made up of members who work to create an environment where every member’s needs are met, where every member has the opportunity to grow, fulfilling and exceeding their goals.  This way our Clubs will meet their goals.

Many Clubs in our District currently have low membership.  Over time it is usual to see an ebb and flow of membership.  Right now I see some great opportunities: opportunities that will assist us to grow as Leaders and as Communicators. Now is the time for those who have the skills to step forward and exercise these skills, to assist others to develop their skills and to retain and strengthen our Club membership.

Two exciting Club growth incentive programs have been initiated in District 69.  These are intended to motivate members and focus on different Club membership levels offered at District and also recognise and reward Clubs looking to create a learning environment.  Taking on the Club Coach role, assisting Clubs to revitalise and flourish, members also develop as leaders.

Coming soon will be another program for Areas where Clubs support Clubs to become strong and healthy. I’m looking forward over the next few months to seeing how these programs strengthen  development at Area level in District 69. I invite every member of District 69 to support, encourage and assist their club to maintain and build their membership so that every Club in District 69 is a strong Club so our individual and collective  talent, ability and potential shines bright throughout our world.

I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to work with our members and look forward to assisting you as best I can.

Yours in Toastmasters

Christine Lennon DTM

Lt Governor Marketing