For the precious gift that is our Toastmaster experience, a gift that keeps giving, we must thank the foresight of Dr. Ralph Smedley, the founder of Toastmasters International. We enjoy and employ this gift every day, at work, in our community and in our personal life with family and friends. The gift is the result of the Toastmasters programme and it never fades away.
In 1958 when the first club in the now District 69 was chartered, until now, the personality of a club was conceived. This personality is ever changing and to record this, our district forebears instigated the history of clubs, the district and honours received.
Earlier this year all active club histories have been placed on the District 69 website and will be updated from time to time. The next update will be by the end of this month. A list of all clubs chartered since 1958 and the Honour Roll is also on the site. An overview from 1971 will assist when there is a need to relate the establishment of District 69.
The site contains some fascinating glimpses into the past. You are invited to take a look at the some other clubs and submit articles for inclusion. Please check what is recorded about your club and advise any additional information or corrections.
Barrie Fuller DTM PRA
District 69 Historian
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