Some of the new team at the District Conference
District Director
Alana Beale DTM

District Director (DD)

Alana Beale DTM

Responsible for upholding the policies and bylaws of Toastmasters International.

  • Directs the business of the district to enable all members to achieve their personal goals.
  • Ultimate advisor and counsellor of clubs.
  • Link between our members and the International Board of Directors.

Email the District Director for information on any procedural or policy problem which cannot be answered through the District delegation of Division or District Officers.

Program Quality Director
Barbara Nielsen DTM

Program Quality Director (PQD)

Barbara Nielsen DTM

  • Responsible for all aspects of education and training within the district including quality programming at club level.
  • Officer responsible for all educational sessions and contests at Area, Division and District Conferences.
  • Chief Judge at the District Speech Contests.
  • Responsible for TLI.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Email the PQD for information on district training programs, contest judges, rulings on contest requirements, such as eligibility, any question relating to Toastmasters’ educational systems and awards.

Club Growth Director
Mark Snow DTM

Club Growth Director (CGD)

Mark Snow DTM 

  • Responsible for all aspects of marketing and club building and retention efforts within the district.
  • Develops and presents a marketing plan, works with the New Club Coordinator to build new clubs, works with the District Chief Coach to assist struggling clubs, supports the District Mentor Officer.
  • Responsible for Long Service Badges and Club Anniversaries.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Email the CGD for information on appointing a club coach, all information relating to creating a new club and ideas for membership building and membership retention.

Public Relations Manager
Nicky Jurd DTM

Public Relations Manager (PRM)

Nicky Jurd DTM

  • Responsible for public relations within the district.
  • Maintains communications between the media and Toastmasters to increase the awareness of the benefits of Toastmasters to the wider community.
  • Resource officer for club, area, division and district with advice and suggestions on publicity projects.
  • Coordinates the district activities for Seniors Week, Adult Learners, Toastmasters Week.
  • Chairs the judging panel for the District Newsletter contests.
  • Directly supports the work of the CGD and reports to the District Director.

Email the PRM for information on publicity matters. For suggestions for activities to promote membership building and membership retention. Advice on newsletters, flyers.

District Admin Manager
Kevin Croft DTM

District Administration Manager (DAM)

Kevin Croft DTM

  • Responsible for ensuring that accurate and timely records are maintained of the district’s activities.
  • Ensures that all necessary correspondence is forwarded to Toastmasters International.
  • Ensures that all members receive information relevant to the district.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Email the Administration Manager for information on format of formal minutes, requirements and cut off dates for all reports and any query on record keeping.

District Finance Manager
Ian McLaren DTM

District Finance Manager (DFM)

Ian McLaren DTM

  • Responsible for implementing the district budget and for the complete maintenance of district finances.
  • Maintains travel and insurance payments.
  • Responsible for bookings of required air travel for district officers.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Email the Finance Manager for information on budget information, travel and insurance queries and appropriate expense claims.

Logistics Manager
Rodney Luck DTM

Logistics Manager

Rodney Luck DTM

  • Responsible for organizing venues, catering and accommodation for all district meetings and training activities.
  • To forward travel requests to the Treasurer for district officers for training activities.
  • For arranging pick ups from the airport.
  • Is the Sgt for district functions.
  • Responsible for district Assets and the updating of them.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact the Logistics Manager for queries of venues, catering, accommodation, pick ups for training activities.

Parliamentarian: Pam Holley DTM

  • Provides advice and support to the District Director during council meetings.
  • Reports on quorums of meetings and rules on all issues relating to policy, bylaws and procedures.
  • Responsible for organizing the credentials desk.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact for advice on parliamentary procedure, quorums for area and division council meetings.

Immediate Past DD
Shane Cooper DTM

Immediate Past District Director

Shane Cooper DTM PDD

  • Responsible for providing guidance and counsel to the incoming district officers.
  • Allows for a smooth transition to the new district team.
  • Is the Chairman of the District Nominating Team.
  • Responsible for the correct conduct of district campaigns.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact for any information on eligibility for district office and nomination forms and criteria.

Division Directors

Brisbane Division Director

Robert Green DTM

Central Division Director

Melinda Cornwill DTM

Eastern Division Director

Rianne Luther DTM

Moreton Division Director

Jenny Owens DTM

Northern Division Director

Leigh-Anne Metcalfe DTM

Papua New Guinea Division Director

Molien Nano CC,CL

Southern Division Director

Valerie Sutton IP1

Western Division Director

Warren Hayden

Executive Support Team

(Listed in alphabetical order by function title)

Area Director Focus Group Chair: Mike Storkey DTM

Contact if you are a current Area Director and your Division Director is unavailable to answer an administrative query.

Badge Orders: Barrie Richardson DTM

  • Responsible for supplying TI approved badges and trophies to the District.
  • Can supply a variety of trophies for conferences.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact for ordering of member’s badges and for quotes for trophies. Badge order form can be downloaded from website.

Chief Coach: Liz Hudson

  • Responsible for making clubs with 12 or fewer members aware of eligibility criteria for having a coach appointed.
  • Once appointed follow up with support on how to coach and accountability through 3 monthly reports.
  • Reports to the CGD.

Contact if your club is struggling with low active membership, may need a coach appointed, or you want help to build membership numbers or experienced member to assist.

Corporate Club Extension Chair: Mike Storkey DTM

  • Maintains the database of corporate clubs.
  • Supports and assists in the chartering and formation of corporate clubs.
  • Advises on steps needed to create a new corporate club and chartering requirements.
  • Reports to the CGD.

Area or Division Directors contact about how to start a new corporate club through to charter. Contact with information on clubs in formation.

Directory Editor: Kevin Croft DTM

  • Responsible for issuing new Directories via email every three months.
  • Maintains correct details for all clubs and Club officers.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact to advise of changes to club information and club officers.


  • Maintains the district’s historical records.
  • Advises on charter dates.
  • Advise on available history of Toastmasters’ clubs in D69.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact to gain information about club’s history or to advise of new club’s charter membership and committee detail.

Info Line Coordinator: Alana Beale DTM

  • Responsible for keeping list of calls to 1300 30 40 69.
  • Advises suitable club details and emails for Club, Area and Division.
  • Keeps list of new members.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact to advise contact details of venues, names, numbers of clubs in formation and their details.

Long Service Badges Coordinator: Jenny Owens DTM

Contact if you or a member of your club is due a long service badge.

Past District Directors Committee Chairman: Ben McCormick DTM

  • Meets and works in support of the district and its officers, under the direction of the District Director, and may only work on tasks assigned by the District Director.

Contact through the District Director with possible projects for discussion.

Speechcraft Coordinator:

  • Responsible for assisting clubs with suggestions on how to run courses.
  • Advises enquiries of available Speechcraft Courses in their locality.
  • Maintains list of courses currently running and completed.
  • Checks on success of courses.
  • Reports to TLI.

Contact to ask for advice on running a speechcraft course, for questions about where courses are happening, and to inform that you are running a course.

TLI Chairman: Carolyn Shaw DTM

  • Chairs the Toastmasters Leadership Team of TLI Coordinators, Distance Education, Youth, Speechcraft and Educational Resources Officer.
  • Responsible for all Club Officer and Member Training.
  • Coordinates training for presenters.
  • Reports to the PQD.

Contact for information on recruiting presenters. For particular Club Officer Training sessions, see that particular coordinator.

Online Training Chair: Lesley Storkey DTM

Leading the pilot online training program.

PNG Operations Manager: Christine Lennon DTM

Supporting clubs in PNG.

Webmaster: Nicky Jurd DTM

  • Maintains the district website, with the assistance of web champions.
  • Continues to improve our site.
  • Has web champion or himself upload information within 48 hours.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact with information to be submitted.

Youth Leadership Chair:

  • Responsible for assisting clubs to run Youth Leadership courses with suggestions on the process.
  • Maintains a list of courses being run.
  • Responsible for keeping a data base of Blue Cards.
  • Promotes Youth Leadership to the general public with PRM.
  • Passes enquiries of courses to those closest geographically.
  • Reports to the District Director.

Contact to inform of courses being run by your club, Area, Division. For queries about blue cards. For questions about how to organize courses.