In June 2014 DiDCVP June 2014strict Governor Marilyn Freeman presented Ron Wyllie with a badge marking his 45 years in DC Toastmasters Club. Ron is a Charter member and a Foundation member. When the club first started our 8 women members used male pseudonyms as women were not allowed. Marilyn acknowledged the bravery of the male members who stepped outside these limitations.
A very popular club member and talented humorous speaker, Ron has served as President several times, as Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms and other roles.

Marilyn also presented Don Crombie a badge recognising his 30 year Toastmasters membership. Don has served as President of DC club many times, as VPE and Secretary. He also formed Bribie Toastmasters. Don was Area Governor in the years 1994-96.

Ron and Don are pillars of DC Toastmasters Club and the club is grateful to our District Governor for making the time to be with us and acknowledge their fabulous contributions.